The Page following this Post covers old ground in a way, (Beeston and Peckforton), but I would ask that you read it with a fresh pair of eyes. Tom Idle had brought along a budding new cyclist called ‘Bill’, fodder for the CTC it was claimed, and so Charlie and Tom set out the route today to encourage him to take up cycling seriously. So I thought it would be interesting to ask our readers to try and read today’s page as though they were on their very first visit to the area, and viewing all that is described for the very first time.
(I play these mind games myself. My wife and I have had many holidays in caravans in France, but on the return ferry from Calais to Dover I always go on deck and try to imagine what visitors from afar would make of the cliffs and surroundings of Dover as we near the coast, with Dover Castle dominating the skyline, unlike Calais with its boring flat lands and a large chemical works).