Painting with Words – Sunday, March 9, 1924

Being the CTC run leader today, Charlie takes his responsibilities very seriously but still takes all the time in the world to appreciate his surroundings.  Today is a ‘tour de force’ of descriptive writing.  I defy anyone to better Charlie’s descriptions of the route and the countryside as he saw it today, with all, well nearly all, traces of last weeks snow melted and gone.  This is how Charlie Chadwick can bring any scene to life, and he does it so well.  I feel it is like a painter except that Charlie uses words instead of a brush.  But the picture is placed before one just the same.  And what better scenery than that found in the Cheshire lanes to put his skills to such good purpose.  And let us remember something very important too – Charlie is still some four months short of his 20th birthday.  As I said in the Foreword to Charlie’s first book: ‘Charlie Chadwick was an amazing man’.  And everything he turned his hand to is confirmation of that phrase.

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