Friday, February 16 – Anglezarke Lakes

I started at 7.45pm to join the club run, but when I got to the start at Albert road there was no-one there. Going downhill, however, I met two others returning, and after a chat we came across a fourth. The latter and I started out together, and on reaching the Crown Hotel we swung towards Chorley. At the Millstone Hotel we swung right and, as last night, ran on between the lakes. Now we turned left along a stony track, and after a walk came to the gatepost for Anglezarke. Keeping to the right between the upper and lower lakes [actually reservoirs] we reached the waterfall. How grim and fascinating the roaring water looked by the light of my gas lamp!

The wind, roaring fitfully, sent the water down in waves, and it was not a pleasant place to spend a night. Proceeding on, we ran over the bridge which seems to be at an immense height – over sixty feet high. There are some really fine feats of engineering hereabouts. By devious inky black byroads we came to Lever Park and after some swift runs downhill we rejoined Chorley New road. Near Lostock Lane my front tyre expired. Mended, we were soon off again, about six of us, and cutting down Tudor Avenue I reached home at 10.15pm my tyre going down again.

22 miles, 2.5 hours