Today, Easter Monday, turned out grand, so off we went, six of us. A strong wind blew against us, but it did not seem too much for we were in high spirits. We had started at 8.05am and before we got to Horwich my chain – a fresh one – started slipping off, this kept on up to Euxton, where I got it right, but strangely enough one of the other’s chain started playing up. At last that was put right and we sped on via Croston, a short cut evaded Rufford, and at 11.30 we were stabling the bikes.
After dinner we had a wash and brush up and went on the lake. Spending an hour in trying to upset ourselves or knocking the lakeside out, and having a battle royal with the other boatload, we retired in favour of the fair – not that I liked it, but because the rest went. Thus we spent a great afternoon and after tea we started back. A puncture delayed us a while near Southport. We had an otherwise grand and easy return, stopping in places to gather blossom or satisfy somebody’s whims. Arrived back at 8.45pm.
65 miles, 12.5 hours